Politicians on Twitter
Authors: Guadalupe Andrea Gonzalez
Abstract: Politicians on Twitter
is a dashboard
that makes real time analysis about the performance on Twitter for more than 500 national public servants in Argentina
with the possibility of downloading every tweet. We have decided to make this repository available to the community with open and reusable data
to improve the production of knowledge
and to keep an eye on what they tweet and delete
This app could be described in three steps: (1) download all what you need , (2) check out the performance of an account over a period of time
, (3) see how connected they are with social networks
Full Description: Politicians on Twitter
is a dashboard that makes real time analysis about the performance on Twitter for more than 500 national public servants in Argentina
with the possibility of downloading every tweet. We have decided to make this repository available to the community with open and reusable data to improve the production of knowledge and to keep an eye on what they tweet and delete
This app could be described in three steps: (1) download all what you need , (2) check out the performance of an account over a period of time
, (3) see how connected they are with social networks
(1) Open source it's the future : we firmly believe that what public servants tweet should be treated as public information, so we decided to make an open repository with daily actualization to give people a sense of control and accountability. Also, this website is a tool for non programmers so they can download data for their own research without depending on pay services
(2) This app will show descriptive statistics about an account (like the average of favourites and retweets and number of followers), but also it'll show the progress of the interactions of every tweet, the evolution in the number of followers, a wordcloud with the frequency of word on a period of time and the main emojis that the user writes.
(3) Social Networks is an interesting approach to see how the public policy is made behind the scenes. We can see the negotiations and anticipate movements from who retweeted each other. And even see the profile image of every node!
In terms of infrastructure all the databases are stored in Mongo DB, so the Shiny consumes information from there. Also, there's an automatization process with “taskscheduleR” that downloads every tweet and keeps updated the information (like profile image, description and followers) from the list of politics and that is automatically uploaded to a MongoDB with “mongolite” package.
With social networks the process is the same, but every month, and it’s storage at Mongo DB as well.
Last but not least, this website was developed by Guadalupe Gonzalez but it couldn't be possible without the help of Network's Observatory team
(especially his director, Juani Belbis
) and the participation of the foundation "Democracia en Red"
-which always is watching over for the transparency- and the financial contribution of "National Democratic Institute"
and their constant compromise with democracy all over the world.
Keywords: rtweet, mongolite, taskscheduleR, visNetwork, emo
Shiny app: https://oderedes.shinyapps.io/politicosentwitter/
Repo: GitHub - Observatorio-de-Redes/politicosentwitter: Open repository for download data of Argentine politicians🇦🇷 / Repositorio abierto para descargar información sobre políticos argentinos🇦🇷
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud
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