Plumber Release Schedule

Hello plumber devs :wave: @barret

What are the current plans for new plumber releases? We've started building a few new projects with plumber, and it's been very smooth for the most part. Thank you for the great framework! It came up that the last release (1.2.1 right?) was in 2022. I can still see active development on the repo, but looks like recent fixes are yet to be released.

Specifically Allows port to be specified as an environment variable by shikokuchuo · Pull Request #963 · rstudio/plumber · GitHub which we ran into yesterday. Very happy to see that work is still ongoing to fix bugs, so I just want to understand what the status of the project is with regard to new releases - should we expect to see these small improvements any time soon, or make provision to work around them for the time being? Happy to support the process if there's anything we can do to help, as we'll be benefitting.

Thanks again!

:wave: @bentilley !

Maybe we can get a release out sooner than waiting until this new dev work is done.

:crossed_fingers: it can be done within a couple weeks. And then again after the new features down the road.

- Barret

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Amazing news, and thank you so much for the quick reply. Weeks sounds great, even if it's more that a couple :slight_smile:

We're investing in plumber for several new projects, so very happy to hear that you've got an active road map. I looked through your github repo again and I can see mention of a 1.2.2, but there doesn't seem to be a tag or github release for it. What is the single source of truth for your releases, is it


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What is the single source of truth for your releases, is it

In reality, it should be CRAN. You can use remotes::install_version(package, version).

As you've seen, I did not handle this last release very well. Typically there is always a GitHub tag and release associated with it.

but there doesn't seem to be a tag or github release for it


Thank you. I've added it here: Release v1.2.2 · rstudio/plumber · GitHub

Thank you very much! Easy to miss some things when you're running a big manual process. Looking forward to the next release :pray:

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@bentilley :tada: Release plumber 1.3.0 · rstudio/plumber · GitHub

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