Dear Community,
I am building a plumber api that I use in some future sections.
In one of these sections I use functions that are written in python and every time I insert this python function inside a future::future({}) it crashes the process and gives me this output
Lazy evaluation: FALSE
Asynchronous evaluation: TRUE
Local evaluation: TRUE
Environment: 0x0000020e567bf2e8
Capture standard output: TRUE
Capture condition classes: 'condition' (excluding 'nothing')
Globals: 18 objects totaling 2.31 MiB (standardGeneric 'dbConnect' of 10.29 KiB, environment 'req' of 1.11 MiB, function '%>%' of 7.47 KiB, function 'check_interval' of 15.10 KiB, function 'satellite_vegetation_indexes_editing' of 334.50 KiB, ...)
Packages: 11 packages ('stringr', 'rpostgis', 'sf', 'dplyr', 'RColorBrewer', 'utils', 'raster', 'nasapower', 'rgeos', 'tidyr', 'reticulate')
The Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed: <none> (seed = FALSE)
Resolved: TRUE
Value: <not harvested
Condition captured: <none>
Early reporting: FALSE
Proprietary process: c4878bce-0dbd-e66e-83c9-ab9e199f703e
Class: 'MultisessionFuture', 'ClusterFuture', 'MultiprocessFuture', 'Future', 'environment'
I do not have an answer for this one yet, but I like your motivation to keep going forward, asking for help and participating in the community. It's inspiring!