I'm trying to make a bar chart to show the average speed of shipping per category per year. my data set is like the following
Category | Order.Date | Speed
Stationary | 2010-5-6 | 3
Supplies | 2011-5-6 | 5
Technology | 2014-5-6 | 3
Supplies | 2013-5-6 | 2
Stationary | 2015-5-6 | 1
I want to make a chart that looks like the following where y-axes are the speed, x-axes are the years, and the color is the category.
I've tried the following code but it returns the same values for y
ggplot(westData, aes(
y=mean(Speed,na.rm = TRUE),
))) +
geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity")
And I get this message after I run it
"Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type difftime. Defaulting to continuous."
I tried to change the Y value to the following
group_by(westData,Category) %>% summarise(avgShippingSpeed=mean(Speed,na.rm = TRUE))
But it returns an error of "Error: Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (9553): y"
You need to provide a reproducible example:
Like this:
westData <- tibble::tribble(
~Category, ~Order.Date, ~Speed,
"Stationary", "2010-05-06", 3,
"Supplies", "2011-05-06", 5,
"Technology", "2014-05-06", 3,
"Supplies", "2013-05-06", 2,
"Stationary", "2015-05-06", 1
Is this the sort of output you want?
westData <- tibble::tribble(
~Category, ~Order.Date, ~Speed,
"Stationary", "2010-05-06", 3,
"Supplies", "2011-05-06", 5,
"Technology", "2014-05-06", 3,
"Supplies", "2013-05-06", 2,
"Stationary", "2015-05-06", 1
# Create a column for just year; calculate means for Category x Year; plot means
westData %>%
mutate(Year = year(Order.Date)) %>%
group_by(Category, Year) %>%
summarise(m_speed = mean(Speed, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
ggplot(., aes(x=Year, y=m_speed, fill=Category)) +
Your bigger dataset will produce a more complete plot.
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This is exactly what I needed. I didn't know that I should make a column for just the year.
Thank you!
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