Hopefully I did this correctly.. For the regression I posted WVS_2017_2020 is not used. Would it be more useful if the 10 countries I provide have observations in each of the variables. Since when running the regression I only end up with 80 total observations that get used.
Religion <- tibble::tribble(
~Country, ~GI_2000, ~GI_2005, ~GI_2010, ~GI_2015, ~GI_2020, ~WVS_2017_2020, ~Rel_Gal_2009, ~Rel_ComOver, ~Rel_Com40u, ~`Rel_Com40+`, ~RDI_2010, ~EFI_2004, ~CFI_2004, ~HDI_2019, ~Pol_Reg2000, ~Pol_Reg2020,
"Afghanistan", -1.98112, -1.52447, -1.74212, -1.47594, -1.66635, NA, 0.97, 0.92, 0.92, 0.93, 0.1, 0.751, 0.679, 0.511, 0L, 1L,
"Albania", -0.61644, -0.50955, -0.1756, -0.0179, -0.1043, NA, 0.39, 0.15, 0.12, 0.19, 3.7, 0.097, 0.082, 0.795, 1L, 2L,
"Algeria", -1.06009, -0.61914, -0.87371, -0.85393, -0.86697, NA, 0.95, 0.73, 0.69, 0.81, 0.5, 0.32, 0.237, 0.748, 1L, 1L,
"Andorra", 1.349465, 1.303461, 1.337512, 1.346724, 1.480983, 0.095, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2.2, NA, NA, 0.868, NA, NA,
"Angola", -1.65688, -1.20684, -1.01531, -1.01078, -0.88531, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 2, 0.756, 0.242, 0.581, 0L, 1L,
"Antigua and Barbuda", 0.751698, 0.637114, 0.800987, 0.580114, 0.461485, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1.5, NA, NA, 0.778, NA, NA,
"Argentina", 0.077514, -0.23133, -0.26673, -0.31302, -0.12324, 0.243, 0.66, 0.43, 0.35, 0.51, 3, 0.255, 0, 0.845, 2L, 2L,
"Armenia", -0.4881, -0.29829, -0.30587, -0.27161, -0.07541, NA, 0.73, 0.53, 0.54, 0.53, 0.3, 0.134, 0.124, 0.776, 1L, 1L,
"Australia", 1.654658, 1.571539, 1.595423, 1.550205, 1.484216, 0.138, NA, 0.18, 0.17, 0.19, 5.6, 0.149, 0.147, 0.944, 3L, 3L