plotting large raster in leaflet Shiny crashes app

Hey Posit Community,

This is my first time posting on here, so apologies if any of this needs clarification. I am creating a shiny app called Forest Finder that allows users to explore forests (rasters) in CA by county (polygons). My app keeps crashing when hosted on the web although it works seamlessly on my local machine. There are no errors in the app logs after crashing. I have a decent amount of toggles in the UI that filter and reclassify my rasters and put a load on the server, but I think that the main issue is my rasters are too large to be plotted in leaflet on the server. I already resampled from 30mx30m to 60mx60m, and I don't want to go any bigger as I lose a lot of resolution. Small rasters plot fine on the app and larger ones (San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Fresno, Santa Barbara) make it crash. I tested out resampling to 240mx240m and publishing and it worked well without crashing. I just cant seem to resolve this issue without compromising resolution.

I would appreciate some feedback on how I might be able to approach this. Specifically, I have tried looking into creating tiles or trying to aggregate the raster (or have it not render) at a zoomed out scale and populate as you zoom in. However, I am relatively new to leaflet and have been having trouble finding solutions to this. Are there any other work around with leaflet and large rasters? Most of my large rasters that are crashing the app are filled with NA values. Thanks

App link:

(I only added the server here for simplicity)

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Reactive: Filter counties and transform ----
  cnty <- reactive({
    # filter(counties_ca, NAME %in% input$selectCounty) # filter to selected counties
    counties_ca[counties_ca$NAME %in% input$selectCounty, ] # filter to selected counties

    # st_transform(4326) # changing crs for cropping

  # Reactive: County-specific bounding box ----
  bbox <- reactive({
    st_bbox(cnty()) |> # creating a new bounding box from county

  # Reactive: County-specific raster ----
  cnty_rast <- reactive({
    # makign sure the raster has values, NULL if not
    if (is.null(input$selectSpecies) || length(input$selectSpecies) == 0) {

    # selecting county raster
    crop_rast <- county_rasters[[input$selectCounty]]

    # reclassifying it to include just the species of interest
    rc_rast <- ifel(
      !is.null(crop_rast) & (crop_rast %in% input$selectSpecies),

    # reassigning color tab (it gets lost when reclassifying)
    coltab(rc_rast) <- legend[, 1:5]
    rc_rast <- rc_rast


  # Reactive: Legend and colors ----
  # creating a legend from the raster values
  cnty_legend <- reactive({
    legend[legend$value %in% unique(values(cnty_rast())), ] |>
      # legend |>
      #   filter(value %in% unique(values(cnty_rast()))) |> # filter to only uniques tree values

  factorPalRev <- reactive({
    # creating an ordered factor color pallet from the legend
    colorFactor(cnty_legend()$hex, domain = cnty_legend()$label, ordered = TRUE)

  # Map Render ----
  output$mapOutput <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet() |> # creating a basemap
      addTiles() |> # base map is OSM
      setView(lng = -119.4179, lat = 36.7783, zoom = 6) |> # set original view on CA
      # addMouseCoordinates() |>
      # addScaleBar(
      #   position = "bottomleft",
      #   options = scaleBarOptions(imperial = FALSE)
      # ) |>
      # setting the size dimensions of the legend
        function(el, x) {
          var style = document.createElement('style');
          style.innerHTML = `
            .leaflet .info {
              max-height: 200px;
              max-width: 200px;
              overflow-y: auto;
              overflow-x: auto;

  # Update Species Picker ----
  observeEvent(input$selectCounty, {
    new_choices <- legend |>
      filter(value %in% unique(values(county_rasters[[input$selectCounty]]))) |> # filter to just trees available in the chosen raster
      arrange(label) |> # sorting and oulling the species name from the raster

    # keep previously selected tree species selected in new county raster
    valid_species <- input$selectSpecies[input$selectSpecies %in% new_choices]

    # updating species picker with new choices and new values
      inputId = "selectSpecies",
      choices = new_choices,
      selected = valid_species

  # Apply Filters/Update Map ----

  # make original bbox NULL when rendering map at first
  previous_bbox <- reactiveVal(NULL)

  observeEvent(input$applyFilters, {
    shinyjs::showElement(id = 'loading') # Show a loading spinner when rendering

    proxy <- leafletProxy("mapOutput")

    # clear all polygons, rasters, and legends when re-rendered
    proxy <- proxy %>% #
      clearShapes() %>%
      clearImages() %>%

    # Add county polygon
    proxy <- proxy %>%
      clearTiles() |> # remove basemap
      addProviderTiles(input$selectBasemap) |> # add new basemap from selected picker
        # add new county lines
        data = cnty(),
        color = "red",
        weight = 2,
        fillColor = "transparent"

    current_bbox <- bbox() # set new boundaries to current bbox

    if (!identical(previous_bbox(), current_bbox)) {
      # Check if bbox has changed

      proxy <- proxy %>% # make new boundaries if bounding box has updated
          lng1 = current_bbox[1, ],
          lat1 = current_bbox[2, ],
          lng2 = current_bbox[3, ],
          lat2 = current_bbox[4, ]

      # Update the previous bbox with new boundaries

    # Add tree raster if available
    if (!is.null(cnty_rast())) {
      proxy <- proxy %>%
          opacity = 1,
          project = FALSE,
          group = "Raster Layer"

      # add legend of new raster image if toggled on
      if (input$toggleLegend) {
        proxy <- proxy %>%
            pal = factorPalRev(),
            values = factor(cnty_legend()$label, levels = cnty_legend()$label),
            opacity = 1,
            group = "Trees",
            position = "bottomleft"

    shinyjs::hideElement(id = 'loading') # Hide the spinner

  # Observe raster toggle ----
  # Observe the toggle button for raster visibility
  observeEvent(input$toggleRaster, {
    proxy <- leafletProxy("mapOutput")

    if (input$toggleRaster) {
      proxy %>% showGroup("Raster Layer") # Show the raster layer by adding it to the map
    } else {
      proxy %>% hideGroup("Raster Layer") # Hide the raster layer by removing it from the map

  # toggle legend  ----
  observeEvent(input$toggleLegend, {
    req(cnty_rast(), cnty_legend()) # Ensure the reactive values and legend are available

    proxy <- leafletProxy("mapOutput")

    if (input$toggleLegend) {
      # Add the legend if it is toggled on
      proxy <- proxy %>%
          pal = factorPalRev(),
          values = factor(cnty_legend()$label, levels = cnty_legend()$label),
          opacity = 1,
          position = "bottomleft"
    } else {
      # Remove the legend if it is toggled off
      proxy <- proxy %>%

  # toggle control ----
  observeEvent(input$toggleControls2, {
    if (input$toggleControls2) {
      runjs("$('#controls').removeClass('hidden');") # Show controls absolute panel
    } else {
      runjs("$('#controls').addClass('hidden');") # Hide controls asolute panel

SO crosspost: r - Plotting large raster in leaflet Shiny crashes app - Stack Overflow

(Please at least mention if you crosspost to avoid duplicated effort)

My apologies, I did not know that cross posting was taboo. Thanks for the heads up, wont do it again :slight_smile:

I recently wrote a shiny app for displaying sea level rise rasters. I had to depopulate them significantly both for performance and to get them to actually run in the limited memory available in my online shiny account.

My code is on github:


I'd be happy to answer questions.

I thought about chopping up the tiles (my app looks at census block group polygons), which could work - you would have to create something like north half and south half for the largest counties. But it is tricky. I don't know of a way to fiddle the resolution dependent on scale. I do know that when I tried to use tmap instead of leaflet it was a memory disaster.