Plotting conditional effects from a fitted brms ordinal probit model: two categorical predictors

Thanks for your willingness to help. I would love to get the number of responses on the scale of 1 to 7 on the y-axis. Each dot on y = 1 representing an anser of 1 on the ordinal scale. The colour of that dot representing the country of that response. On the x-axis I would like to have the three categories in T (citizen, married, parental).

In the graph by Beffara he has two groups which would be five in my case (five countries).

So if I have 10 responses of 7 on my ordinal scale for Sw and citizen, I would like to get 10 dots at x = citizen, colour of Sw, and the dots at 7 on the y-axis.

Does that give a proper explanation of what I'm looking for?

Thanks in advance!