Plots not showing up in the RStudio plot pane

Dear Experts,

I hope that you are doing well.

Whenever I use the plot command in RStudio, the plot is shown in a new device window. I want the device to stay in the RStudio plot window in the lower righthand corner.

I have tried in the following way.

  1. I have used the command. It just closes the window but when I use the plot command then a new window opened again.

  2. Tools->Global options->R Mark down In that phase select "window" from that list in the "show output preview in:" then apply.

  3. Tools > Global Options > Pane Layout, "Plots" is checked.

  4. Update the RStudio.

However, still have the same problem.

I would be happy if anyone has any help to solve it.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi, try to put more information, maybe pictures.

And the code (reproducible example), for this you could use dput.

Because when you run de plot, appear en the plot section, you coul modify the position in tools > Global options > Pane layout

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