I cannot plot in the Plots Panel. All plots open in new window.
What is the solution of this problem? My R version is 4.4.2 and my R studio version is 1.1.456
I cannot plot in the Plots Panel. All plots open in new window.
What is the solution of this problem? My R version is 4.4.2 and my R studio version is 1.1.456
It seems someone else had a similar issue before.
Have you tried resetting all graphics devices with dev.off() as outlined in the support page linked below?
I have checked this, doesn't work.
It also seems like you are running a very outdated version of RStudio (ver1.1.456 is form July 2018). Updating to the current release might fix the issue.
Maybe your graphics device doesn't get initialized properly. You can see all open devices with dev.list()
. After plotting it should show RStudioGD
as an open device. If not, you can try setting it as your default by running options(device = "RStudioGD")
My problems are solved after updating. Thank you so much.
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