plotly stacked area graph custom colours from named vector

Hi, I am trying to use custom colours with a dataset in Plotly. The named vector works from a line graph and other graphs, but doesn't for the stacked area graph. Any ideas?

library(palmerpenguins) # for the dataset

penguins_cols <- c("Adelie" = "blue",
                   "Gentoo" = "red",
                   "Chinstrap" = "green")

# works for line graphs
        colors = penguins_cols) %>%
  add_trace(x = ~bill_length_mm,
            y = ~bill_depth_mm,
            color = ~species,
            type = "scatter",
            mode = "lines+markers")

# doesn't work for area graphs
        colors = penguins_cols) %>%
  add_trace(x = ~bill_length_mm,
            y = ~bill_depth_mm,
            fillcolor = ~species,
            mode = "none",
            stackgroup = 'one')

Answer here: r - plotly stacked area graph custom colours from named vector - Stack Overflow

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