Rshiny: Plot line chart with percentage ratio of EMPLOYEE present and absent count in event by month.
Here is the sample data but in actuality there are 100+ employees,
So result should be required as line colour code by employee name.
Data set like:
Employee Status Month_Yr
A PRESENT 01/2019
C PRESENT 01/2019
B PRESENT 01/2019
C PRESENT 02/2019
D PRESENT 03/2019
A PRESENT 01/2019
B PRESENT 03/2019
C PRESENT 01/2019
B ABSENT 01/2019
D ABSENT 01/2019
A ABSENT 01/2019
C PRESENT 02/2019
B PRESENT 01/2019
A PRESENT 02/2019
A ABSENT 02/2019
D ABSENT 03/2019
C PRESENT 01/2019
C ABSENT 01/2019
C ABSENT 01/2019
A ABSENT 02/2019
C ABSENT 04/2019
B ABSENT 01/2019
Code I tried:
rpivotTable(sub_data5, aggregatorName = "Count as Fraction of Rows", rows = "Employee", cols = "Month_Yr", width = "100%", height = "1200px", rendererName = "Line Chart")
But I want to display a line plot with average present value from total no. of events employees have attended.
Total events for employee A in 01/2019 is 4 where he was only present in 1 then it should display 25% result for that month. ((1/4) * 100) %