Plot is not showing


I am VERY new to R and am trying to plot a graph and nothing is showing in the plot window - what am I missing?

I don't see an error message to say I am inputting it incorrectly?

Thanks so much!


Please show the code you are running. The best version would be to show code that can be copied and produces the data and the plot.


myfirstnetwork<- graph(edges = c("Alice","Sam", "Sam","David", "David","Alice"), directed = FALSE)

plot (myfirstnetwork)

I have never used that package and looking at the documentation, I do not understand most of the words. Nevertheless, give this a try

make_graph(edges = c("Alice","Sam", "Sam","David", "David","Alice"), directed = FALSE)

If that does not work, we will have to wait for someone familiar with the package to com along.

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myfirstnetwork<- graph(edges = c("Alice","Sam", "Sam","David", "David","Alice"), directed = FALSE)
plot (myfirstnetwork)


make_graph(edges = c("Alice","Sam", "Sam","David", "David","Alice"), directed = FALSE)

worked for me (slightly different plots).

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Great - now I am wondering if there is any way to add label names for vertices from a separate excel file.

I can make a separate thread as code is different?


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