When trying to make very simple plots in R, very strange plots show up.
I'm not really sure how to describe the problem. I have only used R for about 2 months for my statistics class, but my final is on Monday and I can't study because no plots are showing up correctly. Sometimes it will just stop happening if I run enough code, but this time it is not.
There is not necessarily an error message, but it does say "plot (lm(cty~displ, cars))
Hit to see next plot: "
I uninstalled and reinstalled R
cars = read.csv('mpg.csv')
mode=lm(cty~displ, cars)
plot (lm(cty~displ, cars))
please note that this happens even if I put plot(mode) instead of plot (lm(cty~displ, cars))
If I click ctrl+enter a couple more times, then the graph will change to something even stranger.