Please help Posit Cloud environment/panes not showing up

When I open a new project, it does not show me the console, terminal, source editor, or any panes whatsoever - just a blank page please help.

Hi @Walker_Tippett, sorry to hear you're having trouble, and thanks for reaching out.

In order to figure out what's going on, we need a bit more information:

  • do any projects work for you, or does this happen with all of them?
  • is the whole screen blank, or does any of the header nav, etc. appear? a screenshot, if you can get one, is great for this.
  • what browser are you using? does it work on a different browser?

Additionally, if you can include a link to the project with the issue, or the project id, that would help us investigate further.

Thank you,

Same thing is happening to me.

  • do any projects work for you, or does this happen with all of them? It happens to all of them
  • is the whole screen blank, or does any of the header nav, etc. appear? a screenshot, if you can get one, is great for this. After the project is prepared, there is only a white screen with no navigation bar or IDE.
  • what browser are you using? does it work on a different browser? Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome, both updated.

Hi all,

Thanks for posting about Posit Cloud not loading, and thanks for the screenshot and details, @Gabriel_Lopes. Posit Cloud is currently experiencing an outage for new projects. Please see for updates.

Apologies for the pain this is causing, and thank you for your patience while we get things fixed.


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