Please Help me.

I'm a begineer , I want to fix this problem. My R pacakge is 3.6.2 version. and I want to download(?) "lmomRFA" package 3.6.2 version.

But when i try this at version 4.4.2, there is no problem. Pls help me. and i'm not good at english sry

I think that you will have to install the package from the source code, using RTools to compile it. The package's web site on CRAN has a link for Package source from which you can download the tar.gz file. You will also have to download RTools for R version 3.6 and install that. RTools is not a package, it is a separate software. You can then use install.packages() with type="source".
I would not be surprised if you run into problems doing all of that. It would be far better to upgrade your R to the most recent version.