I am trying to find out if certain patterns appear within a data frame.
Suppose I have the following "dictionary of patterns" (notice "james" vs "jamesj"):
patterns <- c("john", "jack", "james", "jamesj", "jason")
The actual data frame ("date_frame") I have looks like this:
id names
1 1 johnjack jameS
2 2 john/james, jasonjames
3 3 peter_jackjason
4 4 jamesjasonj jack
5 5 jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter
The final result I am trying to produce should look like this:
id names
1 1 john, jack, james
2 2 john, james, jason, james
3 3 peter, jack, jason
4 4 jamesj, asonj, jack
5 5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack, sam , peter
I tried looking at this post here (R: insert comma after each element from the output) and tried the answer provided there:
> data_frame$parsed_names = dput(data_frame$names)
id names parsed_names
1 1 john, jack, james john, jack, james
2 2 john, james, jason, james john, james, jason, james
3 3 peter, jack, jason peter, jack, jason
4 4 jamesj, asonj, jack jamesj, asonj, jack
5 5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack, sam , peter jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack, sam , peter
But this is not corresponding to what I wanted.
I then tried this post over here (insert commas in text string after certain words in r) and tried the answer provided there:
data_frame$parsed_names = gsubfn("\\w+", as.list(setNames(paste0(patterns, ","), patterns)),
id names parsed_names
1 1 john, jack, james john,, jack,, james,
2 2 john, james, jason, james john,, james,, jason,, james,
3 3 peter, jack, jason peter, jack,, jason,
4 4 jamesj, asonj, jack jamesj,, asonj, jack,
5 5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack, sam , peter jamesj,, jason,, john,, jason,, john, , jason,, jack,, sam , peter
- Can someone please show me how to fix this?
Thank you!