pkgdown to github actions

I did pkgdown::build_site() and usethis:::use_github_action(url = "") to set up gh-pages for the pkgdown site and it seems the site deploys only to get 404 on the page.

I spend some time looking at github forums to finally realize that I miss a token on the repository. I don't know if I missed any steps, but I feel like a notification from pkgdown 'don't forget the token if you are to deploy to github' would be nice.

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A related workflow for travis is detailed on the pkgdown site, which could be updated for GitHub Actions.

Hi @jayhesselberth,

I have the same issue as @novica, I have checked the github action log but I could not find out what was the specific problem from it. I also checked the bookdown, the actions github page, the pkgdown site that you mentioned and lots of issues.

Here is the failed action:

What am I missing? I am a bit lost.

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