Hi all,
I am creating a pkgdown-site from a private GitLab instance. It kind of works (being deployed to a container management platform with an nginx container via a helm chart ... overkill, I know, but unlike GitLab pages it's what we have available). As the infrastructure is set up for more complex applications, there are different deployment environments (dev, ... , prod). Ideally, I would like the site to find its depencendies stated in the header in whichever environment it's been deployed, and for this I would like the dependencies in the head part of the index to start with a .
to indicate a relative path.
e.g. rather than this
<link href="deps/bootstrap-5.3.1/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
I would like this
<link href="./deps/bootstrap-5.3.1/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
I tried searching for a parameter that would allow me to set this, but was not successful. Is this possible?
Or would an alternative solution be to provide all environments' URLs as url parameters in the _pkgdown.yml?