I am trying to use pkgdown to create a simple website for my pseudo-package. I have been following https://r-pkgs.org/website.html to create my website, but I am getting Action errors, which you can see in my Actions section. Could some one, please, help me? At one point, I did get an error message asking me to create a Github token?
! error in pak subprocess
Caused by error:
! Could not solve package dependencies:
* deps::.: Can't install dependency activpalProcessing
* activpalProcessing: Can't find package called activpalProcessing.
means that pak cannot find the package activpalProcessing, and that is because it was removed from CRAN: CRAN - Package activpalProcessing
If you want to still use it for your pkgdown site, you can try to add
Remotes: activpalProcessing@1.0.2
to your repo's DESCRIPTION. You won't be able to publish your package on CRAN, though, with one of its dependencies removed from CRAN.