pivot_wider() error: Assigned data as.character(rep(values_from, each = 2)) must be compatible with existing data.

I am unable to execute pivot_wider() on a sample of data that used to work with sparklyr 1.7.5. Currently, with sparklyr 1.7.7, I am facing an error where pivot_wider() complains about size of the existing vs assigned data. Below is the error message:
! Assigned data as.character(rep(values_from, each = 2)) must be compatible with existing data.
:heavy_multiplication_x: Existing data has 2 rows.
:heavy_multiplication_x: Assigned data has 4 rows.
:information_source: Only vectors of size 1 are recycled.

In the following github link "pivot_wider() error: Assigned data `as.character(rep(values_from, each = 2))` must be compatible with existing data. · Issue #3289 · sparklyr/sparklyr · GitHub" a reprex has been posted where pivot_wider function is working on base R and SQLite but it is not working on sparklyr (1.7.7)

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