Picking up a time-point and its observation based on a certain date

I have a dataset with 3 time-point date (date1,date2,date3) and I have another reference date (ref_date). Each of this 3 time-point date has two observation value1:value3 and dummy1:dummy3.

data <- data.frame(ref_date = c("2022-03-05",     
                   date1 = c("2022-01-05",    
                   values1 = 1:6,
                   dummy1 = 45:50,
                   date2 = c("2022-02-05",      
                   values2 = 2:7,
                   dummy2 = 60:65,
                   date3 = c("2022-04-05",      
                   values3 = 10:15,
                   dummy3 = 70:75)

Now I need to use the ref_date as the reference date and select the date and its observations among the three time-points (date1:date3) that is its closest preceding date. In real data the number of observations for each timepoint is ~ 20 NOT 2 so I need to capture them. The resulting data should look like this. Note the three variables point_date, point_value and point_dummy highlighted in green which is the output I am looking for. Thanks a lot for the help !

my solution

d1 <- data.frame(ref_date = c("2022-03-05",     
                   date1 = c("2022-01-05",    
                   values1 = 1:6,
                   dummy1 = 45:50,
                   date2 = c("2022-02-05",      
                   values2 = 2:7,
                   dummy2 = 60:65,
                   date3 = c("2022-04-05",      
                   values3 = 10:15,
                   dummy3 = 70:75)

(d2 <- d1 |> mutate(across(contains("date"),as.Date)) |> rowwise() |> mutate(dlist=list(c(date1,date2,date3)),
                                 dlist2 = list(if_else(ref_date>=dlist,dlist,as.Date("0000-01-01"))),
                                 dchoice = which.min(ref_date-dlist2)) |> select(-dlist,-dlist2))

(d3 <- d2 |> mutate(point_date=(cur_data()[[paste0("date",dchoice)]]),
                    point_dummy=(cur_data()[[paste0("dummy",dchoice)]])) |> ungroup())
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Thank you @nirgrahamuk . This worked perfectly.

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