pharmtables - Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: Sukalpo Saha

Abstract: {pharmtables} is a Shiny Application wrapped as an R package to visualize some of the most commonly used safety tables in Clinical Analysis and Reporting. The application is developed using the Golem framework.

Link to the package website: Clinical Trial Tables in R • pharmtables

Full Description: List of tables that can be generated using {pharmtables} are

  • Demographic and Clinical Characteristics
  • Patient Disposition
  • Overview of Adverse Events
  • Summary of Adverse Events by System Organ Class and Preferred Term
  • Summary of Adverse Events by System Organ Class and Preferred Term and Severity
  • Summary of Concomitant Medications by Medication Class and Standardized Medication Name
  • Summary of Medical History by Body System or Organ Class and Dictionary-Derived Term
  • Summary of Vital Signs, Laboratory and ECG Tests by Parameter, Analysis Value and Visit
  • Shift at post dose for Vital Signs, Laboratory and ECG Tests

Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - ahasoplakus/pharmtables: Table Farming for Clinical Trials


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