I created an RStudio Cloud project at https://rstudio.cloud/project/931550 and installed TensorFlow via tensorflow::install_tensorflow(). When I create a temporary copy in another Cloud account, the tensorflow R package is still there, but my Python environment is gone. Apparently, the Miniconda PREFIX variable was /home/rstudio-user/.local/share/r-miniconda, which did not get shipped to the new project. What is the easiest way to set up a local Python environment that Cloud will ship with the rest of the project's files?
Update: when I install Miniconda + packages locally into the project folder itself, RStudio Cloud preserves those files when I copy the project. Remaining problems:
I need to set the WORKON_HOME env var to "virtualenvs" before doing anything in TensorFlow. My use case has several sub-projects, so I need multiple copies of the same .Renviron file.
Good to hear!! This is definitely an interesting use case to keep in mind, thanks for sharing!!
I was hopeful that .Renviron and .Rprofile might get you where you need to go. You could always have a .Rprofile in each directory that sources the parent .Renviron / etc.
None of these are particularly elegant solutions though
Just wrote this setup script to write an .Renviron at the top level and each subdirectory. And it seems to work great when I copy the project to other Cloud accounts. I am so close! All I need is for https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/6049 to be fixed an a new version of the IDE to go to Cloud. Then I will have complete control over the perfect drake workshop solution.