Permission acces to my tables are denied on my BigQuery dataset

Hello to all,

I am currently trying to retrieve the contents of my BigQuery dataset through Rstudio.

I tried to connect to my dataset and then display the list of tables it contains with the following R script:

install.packages("bigrquery", repos = c(CRAN = "") )

install.packages("dplyr", repos = c(CRAN = "") )


library(dplyr, lib.loc = "/opt/R/4.1.3/lib/R/library")

con <- dbConnect(
project = "biv-kti-b855",
dataset = "connectToRstudio"


However I get this error :

Error in signal_reason():
! Access Denied: Dataset biv-kti-b855:connectToRstudio: Permission bigquery.tables.list denied on dataset biv-kti-b855:connectToRstudio (or it may not exist). [accessDenied]
Run rlang::last_error() to see where the error occurred.

Can you help me please ?

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