Without knowing what these squares represent and how you derived them it might be erroneous to want to calculate p-values (also to calculate so many would be of little use as we'd already have quite a lot of possible comparisons)
The square itself is a constant and not like a variable with a meaningful mean, standard deviation, variance etc.
Thanks for the response that does help me understand. This matrix of results is an example of what I'm seeing when I calculate how well two drugs work together - the higher values represent the combination score. The axes are the drug concentrations. So at a particular concentration of Drug1 combined with a particular concentration of Drug2, I get a distinctly high value in the matrix (aka they work very well together at these concentrations). How can I statistically represent this?
I am assuming you have a value for Drug1 and Drug2 for each person? Do you have some sort of dependent variable that quantifies the efficacy of those drugs used together?
Yes that's right.
Sample_A = Drug1 (12 concentrations) x Drug2 (12 concentrations).
Repeat for Sample_B, Sample_C, Sample_D.
I average them all into a single matrix based on the % of cells that die (20% for example). Then transform that into a synergy score (how well both drugs perform compared to what you would expect based on each individual drug alone).
So if I get a single cell of the matrix that has a synergy score of 50 (for example), but all other cells of that matrix have scores on the order of ~1-5, that should mean the concentration of Drug1 and Drug2 that give the score of 50 is by far the best.
How could I put a p-value on that cell (containing a score value of 50) ? Saying compared to all other values of the matrix, it is statistically different.
You wouldn't want to compare a single cell against all other values in the matrix as you'd be running close to 143 tests with that single cell. I am sure there is a field specific approach in how to determine significance or test this. A two independent samples t-test would already make more sense where you compare one group who received a certain dosage against another group who received a different dosage and then work with H0: There is no significant difference and then H1: There is.