🦚 Peacock - SQL & VIZ with AI (ASK DB) - Shiny Contest Submission

:peacock: Peacock - SQL with AI

Authors: miskowski85@hotmail.fr

Abstract: Use natural language to communicate with your database

Full Description: AI-Powered SQL Query Generation and Interactive Data Visualization

Peacock is an AI-driven web application built on R Shiny, designed to simplify database exploration and automate SQL query generation. By leveraging AI, users can enter natural language prompts, and the app seamlessly converts them into SQL queries. The intuitive interface enables users to explore database schemas, refine queries with an intelligent code editor, and interactively visualize the results

Shiny app: https://peacock-nnqngxtura-uc.a.run.app/
Repo: GitHub - noamanemobidata/peacock: AI-Powered SQL Query Generation and Data Visualization


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For the Shiny Contest, you might submit: "Peacock - SQL with AI (ASK DB) integrates SQL queries with AI to enhance data insights and interaction through a Shiny app. It leverages AI to simplify and optimize database queries, providing an intuitive and powerful tool for data analysis."

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