Pass multiple selectinput variables to googlechart


First off apologies,

  • I'm sure I've not got the lexicon down
  • I've spent hours working out how to get the display to function and figure out some of the basics of the chart and having it graph different data elements (different from the original)
  • and substantial time trying to work out from examples of how to pass the variables to my chart with no luck. I'm so confused at this point I cannot even create anything that seems to represent even the basics of a possible method :blush:
  • sorry for all the notes in the code, it's my way of keeping track of things while I'm running around trying things.
  • Finally, I'm clearly still in the monkey see monkey do position, although I like to think I bring with me a lot of perseverance and stamina

Here's what I'm trying to do;
I have historical drug sales data for a large hospital system that is somewhat similar to the Region-Country-Expenditure-Population data in that it would be TherapeuticClass-Drug-Sales-TotalSales(for Class). The ability to animate this by month, or week over long periods of time would be a terrific way to identify oddities.

Here's what I've done so far;

  • I've roughly worked out how to change the variables in the chart to % change and $ unit change.
  • I've got a very rough widget for selecting Region (in future Therapeutic Class).

What I'm trying to do now is work out a way to pass the Region Selection to the Chart.
I'd think this would be pretty straight forward, especially since the Year Slider is doing just that but I cannot seem to find documentation on how to pass multiple items to the chart, and I cannot quite work out the connections between the slider and the chart, although I see the similarities in naming of various elements it's still not quite coming together for me. I've also looked at the code that updates a table from selectinput but that's not really helping me see my way through this.

Thanks for any guidance even, and especially if, it's not a solution as that might be too much to ask, but rather just some guidance on what to go look at would be much appreciated.

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Advice I received from a reputable offline source was that I should start over with Google Vis resources (in R still but change to Vis). I'll be taking that road with this. When I get that worked out I'll look to post my transformation. Cheers

Is there a way you can include a small app that demonstrates the problem and that we could copy and paste to run locally? It is a little difficult to understand your problem when we would have to run the entire repo.

Could you replicate this problem with a built-in dataset like mtcars?

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