Pandoc templates gallery?

I am trying to knit a resume with Rmarkdown. So far so good, but I don't like the out-of-th-box look of knitted PDFs. HTML looks good, and at first I just started to look for ways to knit PDF exactly like HTML:

But it got me wondering, if there are preset PDF templates out there, and if there is a gallery to view them. All I see now is a bunch of stuff on Github, but it is isn't easy to navigate and look through.

Is there any sort of "gallery" that shows various pandoc templates for PDF knitting?
Do you know of any interesting good looking templates?


It is not a gallery but recently I saw these 3 packages for Rmarkdown templates that gets for me to a new level!

and another, with a letter layout

and a column pdf template


Haven't browsed it much, but here's a list of user-contributed pandoc templates. Just for clarification, pandoc itself is a universal markup converter independent of R Markdown (Rmd is just one of its uses). I'm guessing you know this, but, worth mentioning for posterity or whatever.