pandoc error when knitting .rmd

I (and multiple of my students) are unable to knit our projects today. It appears that there maybe was some update of pandoc and the package rmarkdown can no longer find pandoc.


Gives me a version of 0.

Same here! Everything was working this morning, but pandoc has gone missing. Apparently, it's now at:

I also have students working on R notebooks today.

And it's expected to be at:


I relaunched the project (three dots near my name, upper-right) and that did the trick.

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My students and I are having the same issue, and relaunching has not yet fixed anything.

Hi Kelly,

I'm sorry to hear you're running into an issue with your RStudio Cloud project. We're looking into this issue right now. Our initial tests show that relaunching the project should resolve the issue. Can you attempt to re-launch your project again and let us know the results?


that worked for me...tnx mate!

Hi Andy, This does not solve the problem for our workspaces.

Hello, sorry for the delay in responding. We deployed a patch to our system that hopefully solves this issue. Can you let us know if you still see an error?


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