I have a data frame structured liked this: Rows: 264 Columns: 4
$id subject:1,2,3,4...
$condition: condition1, condition2, condition3, condition4...
$day of experiment: day1, day2, day3, day4...
i ran a two way anova repeated measures within days (as subjects are the same for the 4 days, and between the conditions
two.way.anova <- anova_test(data, wid=id, dv=score, within= day, between= condition)
there was a significant interaction and and thus i ran a one way anova grouped for day to see the interaction between condition and score
one.way.anova <- data |>
group_by(day) |>
anova_test(score~condition) |>
get_anova_table() |>
and so i tried to run a pairiwise t test paired with this code:
pwc.one.way. <- data |>
group_by(day) |>
pairwise_t_test(score~con, paired = TRUE, p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")
and i get this error
Error: Problem with `mutate()` column `data`.
i `data = map(.data$data, .f, ...)`.
x not all arguments have the same length
i have seen that others had the same problem and they say that data must have the same number on al days of experiment and indeed my data have the same number of subjects on all 4 days when you group them by day?
can anyone see my stuff and maybe understand what is going on?
thank you