I'm trying to include Pagination in a DT::datatable() by including different combinations of the options 'paging', 'pageLength', 'dom' and 'lengthMenu' in the options list of the datatable() function but after running the application the pagination does not show up in the datatable. If I use the 'paging' option the datatable rows are reduced to display only the first 10 rows of the data and the number of rows varies only when I add or update the option 'pageLength' value. But in any case the pagination buttons with the page numbers and the button 'Next' and 'Previous' are never visible
the out of the box / default experience would give pagination.
Here is a minimal example
(aframe <- data.frame(a=1:200))
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$myout <- renderDT(
shinyApp(ui, server)
can you verify the pagination feature of this small app ?
When running this code it shows all the 200 rows of the data and when the 'paging' option is added the rows get reduced to the first 10. Have attached the picture displaying the results when the 'paging' option is added
Bad news, I can't reproduce your issue.
What version of packages are you using ?
> packageVersion("shiny")
[1] ‘1.9.1’
> packageVersion("DT")
[1] ‘0.33’
I have updated the packages it worked initially but stopped working after that do you have any idea what might be the issue here?
I don't know. Have you checked that now the package versions you have are the up to date ones ? or could they have reverted.
Yes I did check the other packages they all are updated to the current versions
and when you report it not working, is that for the minimal example cooked up earlier ?
Yes it does not work even for the minimal code that you posted earlier
Sorry, based on the information provided, and my lack of access to your system, I believe I can't help you further. Perhaps someone else here will have ideas for you.
Perhaps you could share your sessionInfo()
I'm trying to display the datatable() in a modal box. Does that have any affect on it??
Well, if it doesnt work on our simple minimal example with no modal, i wouldnt expect adding modal would help it. But stranger things have happened.