Page Header that prints on every page

Is there a way to add a page header that prints on every page like so:

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I just want to be able to print a header like the one in red outlined below on every page in the pdf. So if I have a qmd file or a Jupyter notebook file, is there anything I can add to tell quarto to print a certain code cell or markdown cell on every page.

Is there an option for this in quarto?

Microsoft Word has the option by double clicking in the header margin.

Okay, you want a pdf which was not clear before.

It looks like it can be done in a couple of ways in the YAML. See Header and footer in quarto qmd to pdf

This seems to be working for me. Note that you do not need the {lipsum} package. I have it in there to generate text in the body of the .qmd.

title: "Authoring"
author: "Anon."
date: today
date-format: iso
number-sections: false
format: pdf
  - \usepackage{lipsum}
  - \usepackage{fancyhdr}
  - \pagestyle{fancy} 
  - \fancyhead[C]{Header Text}

I have been playing around with the {fancyhdr} package in TeX to see what we can get.

If you are not a TeX user this may give you a start on how to set up the header.

\fancyhead[L]{Company Name  \hspace{4cm}Project \hspace{4cm}Actors\\ 
Company Address \hspace{4cm}Birthday Party \hspace{4cm} Bozo tho Clown}

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