package ‘Tree’ is not available (for R version 3.4.3)

Al intentar instalar el paquete "Tree" me sale el siguiente mensaje:

Warning in install.packages :
package ‘tree’ is not available (for R version 3.4.3)

¿conocen alguna solución par esto?

Please try to post in English here.
Translating your message:

When I try to install the package "tree" I get the following message.

Warning in install.packages :
package ‘tree’ is not available (for R version 3.4.3)

Do you know a solution for this?

The current version of tree requires R >= 3.6.0. You can update your R to the latest version or download an old version from
I expect you will have to compile an old version, so updating R is probably the easier method.

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