I am using a large Kaggle dataset California Traffic Collisions and I created a "Hex-Heatmap" based off the Latitude and Longitude and having the severity ranking from 5 through 1 (fatal to property damage) on the Z axis.
Obviously using the all the data for Los Angeles results in a better hex-map
but below there is a random slice of 100 observations to exemplify what I'm trying to achieve on below reprex
I thought it might be a little more instructive if I could see where the freeway are and maybe draw insight from that.
How do I add a map overlay of the city of Los Angeles to match the plot created on the reprex
? The overlay has to match latitude and longitude so that the coloring makes sense.
df <- tibble::tribble(
~case_id, ~collision_severity, ~latitude, ~longitude, ~severity_code,
"91075483", "property damage only", 34.07273, -117.78571, 1,
"91050981", "pain", 34.10287, -118.71098, 2,
"4268759", "property damage only", 33.90231, -118.26625, 1,
"90683402", "pain", 34.13534, -117.98468, 2,
"90057009", "property damage only", 34.06505, -117.80746, 1,
"5610743", "pain", 34.02234, -117.76681, 2,
"8811798", "property damage only", 34.04046, -117.96789, 1,
"90129212", "pain", 34.1183, -117.86479, 2,
"90399566", "property damage only", 34.0174, -118.17578, 1,
"90728716", "property damage only", 33.82387, -118.32841, 1,
"90487116", "property damage only", 34.03702, -118.31098, 1,
"90810851", "property damage only", 34.03968, -118.2737, 1,
"91174344", "pain", 34.15945, -118.38032, 2,
"90227061", "severe injury", 33.87688, -118.17416, 4,
"90438250", "property damage only", 33.98728, -118.06664, 1,
"90239743", "pain", 34.07072, -118.15439, 2,
"90663797", "property damage only", 33.97009, -118.08069, 1,
"9202515", "severe injury", 33.9786, -118.19244, 4,
"6672852", "pain", 33.96706, -117.89429, 2,
"90194995", "other injury", 34.21763, -118.47319, 3,
"90438280", "property damage only", 34.0717, -118.0927, 1,
"3951829", "pain", 34.06408, -117.80552, 2,
"8888887", "property damage only", 33.88081, -118.30913, 1,
"4759471", "property damage only", 34.0554, -118.1954, 1,
"4821346", "property damage only", 34.00597, -117.96699, 1,
"90440008", "property damage only", 34.05375, -118.23691, 1,
"90477260", "pain", 34.1568, -118.44845, 2,
"5463311", "pain", 33.87289, -118.27781, 2,
"90913060", "other injury", 33.92835, -118.02909, 3,
"6900209", "other injury", 33.98163, -117.96158, 3,
"90247843", "property damage only", 33.87633, -118.08413, 1,
"5169678", "property damage only", 34.03369, -118.15235, 1,
"6471999", "property damage only", 33.94392, -118.17098, 1,
"90685142", "property damage only", 34.00856, -118.15828, 1,
"4357081", "pain", 34.0942, -118.244, 2,
"8723792", "property damage only", 34.13791, -117.98014, 1,
"6644461", "property damage only", 33.99267, -117.90549, 1,
"90877411", "property damage only", 33.91777, -118.03438, 1,
"91087485", "pain", 33.96735, -118.08315, 2,
"5136000", "pain", 34.03536, -118.33183, 2,
"90312908", "property damage only", 34.02245, -118.27759, 1,
"5491007", "property damage only", 33.98114, -117.97189, 1,
"4415496", "property damage only", 33.85965, -118.29943, 1,
"91352272", "property damage only", 34.15625, -118.25749, 1,
"6961892", "property damage only", 34.15293, -118.28294, 1,
"90992686", "property damage only", 33.51276, -118.12834, 1,
"4553655", "property damage only", 33.87395, -118.2023, 1,
"5574989", "property damage only", 34.16037, -118.46603, 1,
"90066424", "pain", 34.02542, -117.80591, 2,
"90914526", "property damage only", 34.03511, -118.32873, 1,
"90655202", "property damage only", 34.01683, -118.28074, 1,
"6754208", "pain", 34.05538, -118.19652, 2,
"90041989", "pain", 34.03047, -118.17165, 2,
"4552519", "property damage only", 33.75797, -118.28994, 1,
"90807064", "property damage only", 34.01604, -118.42176, 1,
"6352776", "property damage only", 34.08809, -118.23576, 1,
"3940139", "property damage only", 34.54914, -118.43196, 1,
"91285858", "property damage only", 34.09276, -117.99068, 1,
"6115945", "property damage only", 34.00169, -117.83608, 1,
"6926743", "property damage only", 34.12175, -118.27193, 1,
"6120493", "property damage only", 34.02845, -118.44782, 1,
"90052888", "other injury", 33.9745, -118.3822, 3,
"6911684", "property damage only", 34.16893, -118.5925, 1,
"6631999", "property damage only", 34.15101, -118.28101, 1,
"6336072", "property damage only", 34.02589, -118.46325, 1,
"5029249", "property damage only", 34.02479, -118.20371, 1,
"5266332", "property damage only", 34.07257, -117.7859, 1,
"91128223", "property damage only", 34.14828, -118.80486, 1,
"91162356", "property damage only", 33.99266, -118.28038, 1,
"4129006", "pain", 33.99409, -117.88921, 2,
"90263576", "other injury", 33.8756, -118.1048, 3,
"6497903", "property damage only", 33.87604, -118.10286, 1,
"4959877", "property damage only", 34.22079, -118.2442, 1,
"90145217", "other injury", 34.00116, -117.83991, 3,
"6794348", "pain", 34.04095, -118.21865, 2,
"91209455", "property damage only", 34.06935, -117.79739, 1,
"90292058", "property damage only", 34.13213, -117.95026, 1,
"6029093", "property damage only", 33.99383, -118.17625, 1,
"90096628", "pain", 34.00401, -117.95436, 2,
"6059606", "pain", 34.17238, -118.57007, 2,
"3984977", "other injury", 34.20277, -118.47364, 3,
"6951505", "property damage only", 33.88611, -118.19037, 1,
"4883145", "property damage only", 33.00546, -117.09516, 1,
"90977585", "property damage only", 34.04817, -118.44753, 1,
"91058783", "property damage only", 34.20517, -118.21724, 1,
"5293230", "property damage only", 34.09732, -118.24619, 1,
"4516652", "property damage only", 34.06659, -117.99151, 1,
"4690952", "property damage only", 34.02466, -117.76372, 1,
"4381461", "property damage only", 34.38225, -118.56718, 1,
"5144298", "other injury", 34.01905, -118.48011, 3,
"90887119", "property damage only", 34.07637, -118.46947, 1,
"6941283", "pain", 33.883, -118.3528, 2,
"90690911", "property damage only", 34.01446, -118.16013, 1,
"5507978", "property damage only", 34.08493, -117.9969, 1,
"90831118", "property damage only", 34.0257, -118.4653, 1,
"90047442", "property damage only", 33.9305, -118.36813, 1,
"6038385", "other injury", 34.02738, -117.96475, 3,
"4222205", "pain", 34.15584, -118.43532, 2,
"90343665", "property damage only", 34.04013, -118.16961, 1,
"5530254", "property damage only", 34.00419, -118.39346, 1
df %>% ggplot(aes(longitude, latitude, z = severity_code)) +
stat_summary_hex(alpha = 0.8, bins = 65) + theme_minimal() +
scale_fill_viridis_c() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 9),
legend.title = element_text(size = 8),
legend.position="bottom") +
fill = "Severity (5- Fatal,4- Sever Injury, 3- Other Injury, 2- Pain, 1 - Property Dmg Only)",
title = "Lat. & Long.vs Severity Hex-Heatmap"
Created on 2021-11-23 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
- Smaller issue is how to have the legend title be positioned above the legend (set to bottom)
Any help is much appreciated.