Overlay Issue: Generating Shapefiles for Conservation Units and Animal Species

Hi, I've recently started learning R. I'm working on a script where I'm trying to overlay shapefiles of over 2000 conservation units on top of a shapefile of animal species. However, when I attempt this intersection (this overlay), the intersection results in 0 and I want to generate a shapefile at the end with this overlay made for each unit with the species of that respective area. I'm not sure what else to do. Below is a screenshot and the script.

library (terra)

library (sf)

Read the shapefiles

conservation_units <- vect("C:/Users/Users/Desktop//gustavo/platirrino mapa/shape file UC/ucs.shp")

Create a new field with the names of the conservation units

conservation_units$name_uc <- as.factor(conservation_units$name_uc)

Separate the conservation units by name

separated_units <- split(conservation_units, conservation_units$name_uc)

Suppose 'biomes' is a list of shapefiles of the biomes

biomes <- list(

cerrado = st_read("C:/Users/Users/Desktop/gustavo/platirrino mapa/recorte das espécies por bioma/platirrino no cerrado/primatas do cerrado.shp"),

mata_atlantica = st_read("C:/Users/Users/Desktop//gustavo/platirrino mapa/recorte das espécies por bioma/platirrino na mata atlântica/platirrino mata atlântica.shp"),

pampa = st_read("C:/Users/Users/Desktop/gustavo/platirrino mapa/recorte das espécies por bioma/platirrino no pampa/platirrino no pampa.shp"),

amazonia = st_read("C:/Users/Users/Desktop/gustavo/platirrino mapa/recorte das espécies por bioma/platirrino na amazônia/platirrino amazônia.shp"),

pantanal = st_read("C:/Users/Users/Desktop/gustavo/platirrino mapa/recorte das espécies por bioma/platirrino no pantanal/platirrino pantanal.shp"),

caatinga = st_read("C:/Users/Users/Desktop/gustavo/platirrino mapa/recorte das espécies por bioma/platirrino caatinga/teste novo.shp")


Initialize a list to store the results

intersections <- list()

For each conservation unit...

for(i in seq_along(separated_units)) {

... and for each biome...

for(j in seq_along(biomes)) {

... calculate the intersection of the conservation unit with the biome

intersection <- intersect(separated_units[[i]], biomes[[j]])

Add the intersection to the list of results

intersections[[paste0("uc_", i, "biome", names(biomes)[j])]] <- intersection



For each intersection...# ... plot the intersection

for(i in seq_along(intersections)) {

plot(intersections[[i]], main = names(intersections)[i])


Test to see if this *** is working

For each conservation unit...

for(i in seq_along(separated_units)) {

... and for each biome...

for(j in seq_along(biomes)) {

... calculate the intersection of the conservation unit with the biome

intersection <- intersect(separated_units[[i]], biomes[[j]])

Verify if the intersection is empty

if(nrow(intersection) > 0) {

If it's not empty, add the intersection to the list of results

intersections[[paste0("uc_", i, "biome", names(biomes)[j])]] <- intersection




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