I am trying to ouput my data into a graph. I have looked at a few examples like:
The below code outputs my data into the table that you can see on the attached image.
If I wanted to get "date_start" on the X axis and "clicks" on the Y axis what is the simplest way todo that?
# Getting the output into a tidy dataframe
content_result <- content(report)
content_result[["paging"]] <- NULL
result_data <- content_result$data
result_data <- result_data %>% reduce(bind_rows)
# Setting classes of variables - numerical, data, etc and putting into a frame called 'import'
result_data$impressions <- as.numeric(result_data$impressions)
result_data$unique_clicks <- as.numeric(result_data$unique_clicks)
result_data$clicks <- as.numeric(result_data$clicks)
result_data$spend <- as.numeric(result_data$spend)
result_data$date_start <- as.Date(result_data$date_start)
result_data$date_stop <- as.Date(result_data$date_stop)
import <- result_data
sum_by_day <- import %>%
group_by(date_start) %>%
summarise(clicks = sum(clicks), impressions = sum(impressions), spend=sum(spend)) %>%
mutate(CPC_new=spend/clicks) %>%
mutate(CTR_new=clicks / impressions)
I asumed from the example https://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/telephones-by-region.html the below would of been ok, but it just throws back errors.
output$phonePlot <- renderPlot({
# Render a barplot
ylab="Number of clicks",
Any help much apreciated.