Option for several files creation

I'd like to save my three 3 plots in *png files, but if I try:


#Open my dataset
myds <- myds[,-c(3)] # remove bad character variable

# Negative binomial GLMM
m.laden.1  <- glmer.nb(ladenant ~ Bioma +  poly(temp,2) + scale(UR) + (1 | formigueiro), data = myds)

# Visualize
ggpredict(m.laden.1) %>% plot(add.data = TRUE)

# I have 3 plots for:
# $Bioma

# $temp

# $UR

# Save the plot in a png file
png(filename="example.png", res = 300, width = 15, height = 15, units = "cm") 
ggpredict(m.laden.1) %>% plot(add.data = TRUE)

Doesn't work and I have in the file example.png, just the image of the last plot. I'd like the three files, each file with one plot. Please any help with it?

This code returns a list, you can iterate over the list to save individual files, take a look at this example:


#Open my dataset
               fileEncoding = 'latin1')
myds <- myds[,-c(3)] # remove bad character variable

# Negative binomial GLMM
m.laden.1  <- glmer.nb(ladenant ~ Bioma +  poly(temp,2) + scale(UR) + (1 | formigueiro), data = myds)

# Visualize
plot <- ggpredict(m.laden.1) %>%
    plot(add.data = TRUE)

purrr::walk2(plot, names(plot),
             .f= ~ ggsave(paste0(.y, ".png"),
                          plot = .x,
                          dpi = 300,
                          width = 15,
                          height = 15,
                          units = "cm"))
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