Hello !
The code below creates a Sidebar with TabItems; those again contain Subtabs which will eventually address some ouput in the mainBody when clicked.
My problem is that when e.g. TAB3 is open and I click to open TAB1 (or TAB2) without closing TAB3, then TAB3 will not load anymore (it does open though, as seen by the subItem icon >>)
I use renderUI and uiOutput to accomplish this and I use "do.call" to set up the submenus...
I already tried changing menuItem to menuSubItem etc. ... that does not seem to do the trick. Is this "normal behaviour" or am I missing something (?)
Do you always have to close a Tab before opening another one?
Any help is appreciated of course!
Thanks, gregor
## set up a main body... no content needed
body <- dashboardBody( title="Title" )
## set up a sidebar with TABS containing subTABS
## the subTABS are adressed via an uiOutput()
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar (
menuItem("TAB1",menuSubItem(uiOutput("Sidebar_sub1")) ),
menuItem("TAB2",menuSubItem(uiOutput("Sidebar_sub2")) ),
menuItem("TAB3",menuSubItem(uiOutput("Sidebar_sub3")) ) )
server <- function(input, output) {
## starting parameters
nsubtabs <- 9
tabnames <- paste0("subtab",1:nsubtabs)
## set up a list for all subtabs
Menus_sub <- vector("list", nsubtabs)
for(i in 1:nsubtabs) {
Menus_sub[[i]] <- menuSubItem(tabnames[i], tabName = tabnames[i]) }
## use renderUI to create sidebar-output
output$Sidebar_sub1 <- renderUI({
do.call(function(...) sidebarMenu(id = "sidebarMenu_sub1", ...), Menus_sub[1:3])
output$Sidebar_sub2 <- renderUI({
do.call(function(...) sidebarMenu(id = "sidebarMenu_sub2", ...), Menus_sub[4:6])
output$Sidebar_sub3 <- renderUI({
do.call(function(...) sidebarMenu(id = "sidebarMenu_sub3", ...), Menus_sub[7:9])
ui <- dashboardPage(dashboardHeader(title = "Title2"), sidebar,body)
shinyApp(ui, server)