I'd like to have my pickerInput
only update on close. Apparently, this is an already-requested feature with a SO solution.
The issue I'm having is integrating that solution with my existing module structure. My current app structure has a module that updates the next picker in a hierarchy when the picker above it is changed.
I tried adding a second condition for my observeEvent
in the moduleController
as well as adding another observeEvent
condition to the server
, neither of which worked.
EDITED Working app:
# this solves everything unless I want to have the reactive query to take inputs from user
# module UI
moduleUI <- function(id, label, choices = NULL) {
ns <- NS(id)
tagList(pickerInput(ns("select"), label= label, choices = choices,
selected = choices, multiple = TRUE,
options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE, `live-search`=TRUE)))
# module server root
moduleRootController <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# module server
moduleController <- function(id, data, selector, input_val, output_val) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(selector(), {
choices=data %>%
filter({{input_val}} %in% selector()) %>%
distinct({{output_val}}) %>%
arrange({{output_val}}) %>%
updatePickerInput(session, "select", choices = choices, selected = choices)
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
ui_heirarchy <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id)
tagList(moduleUI(ns("ModuleRoot"), label = "Root Label", choices=c("A", "B", "C", "D")),
moduleUI(ns("Module1"), label = "Test Label 1"),
moduleUI(ns("Module2"), label = "Test Label 2"),
moduleUI(ns("Module3"), label = "Test Label 3"))
server_heirarchy <- function(id, data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
mod0 <- moduleRootController("ModuleRoot")
mod1 <- moduleController("Module1", data, reactive({mod0()}), level1, level2)
mod2 <- moduleController("Module2", data, reactive({mod1()}), level2, level3)
mod3 <- moduleController("Module3", data, reactive({mod2()}), level3, level4)
return(list(mod0 = mod0, mod1 = mod1, mod2 = mod2, mod3 = mod3))
# ui / server / app
ui <- fixedPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
x <- tibble(level1 = c(rep("A", 100), rep("B", 100), rep("C", 100), rep("D", 100)),
level2 = c(rep("A1", 50), rep("A2", 50), rep("B1", 50), rep("B2", 50),
rep("C1", 50), rep("C2", 50), rep("D1", 50), rep("D2", 50)),
level3 = c(rep("A21", 25), rep("A22", 25), rep("A23", 25), rep("A24", 25),
rep("B21", 25), rep("B22", 25), rep("B23", 25), rep("B24", 25),
rep("C21", 25), rep("C22", 25), rep("C23", 25), rep("C24", 25),
rep("D21", 25), rep("D22", 25), rep("D23", 25), rep("D24", 25)),
level4 = c(rep("A31", 10), rep("A32", 10), rep("A33", 10), rep("A34", 10), rep("A35", 10),
rep("A36", 10), rep("A37", 10), rep("A38", 10), rep("A39", 10), rep("A310", 10),
rep("B31", 10), rep("B32", 10), rep("B33", 10), rep("B34", 10), rep("B35", 10),
rep("B36", 10), rep("B37", 10), rep("B38", 10), rep("B39", 10), rep("B310", 10),
rep("C31", 10), rep("C32", 10), rep("C33", 10), rep("C34", 10), rep("C35", 10),
rep("C36", 10), rep("C37", 10), rep("C38", 10), rep("C39", 10), rep("C310", 10),
rep("D31", 10), rep("D32", 10), rep("D33", 10), rep("D34", 10), rep("D35", 10),
rep("D36", 10), rep("D37", 10), rep("D38", 10), rep("D39", 10), rep("D310", 10))) %>%
mutate(value = runif(400, 0, 100))
out <- server_heirarchy("heirarchy", x)
output$plot <- renderPlotly({
x %>%
filter(level1 %in% out$mod0()) %>%
filter(level2 %in% out$mod1()) %>%
filter(level3 %in% out$mod2()) %>%
filter(level4 %in% out$mod3()) %>%
plot_ly(x = ~value, type = 'histogram') %>%
layout(title = 'A Figure Displaying Itself',
xaxis = list(
zerolinecolor = '#ffff',
zerolinewidth = 2,
gridcolor = 'ffff'),
yaxis = list(
zerolinecolor = '#ffff',
zerolinewidth = 2,
gridcolor = 'ffff'))
shinyApp(ui, server)