Need to visualize odds ratio, found a example here:
Made a small modification with my data, code is listed below:
boxLabels = c("Male", "Age1", "Age2", "Underweight", "Overweight", "Obese",
"Married", "Married2", "Senior", "Member", "Senior Member",
"Alcohol", "Tomato", "E-Cigarettes", "Smokeless", "ES", "Smoke", "SE",
"SS", "Three", "7-9p", "5-7", "5-7p", "L5", "L5p",
"MH", "HRL", "PTP", "PT5")
# Enter OR and CI data. boxOdds are the odds ratios,
# boxCILow is the lower bound of the CI, boxCIHigh is the upper bound.
df <- data.frame(yAxis = length(boxLabels):1,
boxOdds = c(0.632, 0.022, 0.0212, 0.196, 0.069, 0.222, 0.325, 0.321, -0.152, -0.669, -0.583, -0.098, 0.049,
0.26, 0.116, 0.398, 0.134, 0.325, 0.216, 0.617, 0.371, 0.131, 0.384, 0.474, 0.764, 0.928,
-0.614, 1.586, 0.494),
boxCILow = c(0.609221946, -0.005012542, 0.105260511, -0.012072581, 0.029558802, 0.168898536, 0.223143551,
0.277631737, -0.180323554, -0.711311151, -0.632993258, -0.156653810, 0.002995509, 0.146694379,
0.015873349, 0.031498667, 0.057325067, 0.152721087, 0.008959741, 0.297879897, 0.200488861,
0.083421608, 0.294161039, 0.375692950, 0.651804217, 0.863311807, -0.659712404, 1.549900200,
boxCIHigh = c(0.65492597, 0.04879016, 0.31990722, 0.40279488, 0.10795714, 0.27459683, 0.34995240, 0.36325326,
-0.12443008, -0.62548853, -0.53273046, -0.03978087, 0.09531018, 0.37225297, 0.21591751, 0.74668795,
0.21107097, 0.49652384, 0.42264993, 0.93687737, 0.54174273, 0.17814619, 0.47436909, 0.57323688,
0.87630172, 0.99325177, -0.56739598, 1.62195919,0.55675456))
# Plot
(p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = boxOdds, y = boxLabels)) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0), size = .25, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_errorbarh(aes(xmax = boxCIHigh, xmin = boxCILow), size = .5, height =
.2, color = "gray50") +
geom_point(size = 3.5, color = "orange") +
coord_trans(x = scales:::exp_trans(10)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = log10(seq(0.1, 2.5, 0.1)), labels = seq(0.1, 2.5, 0.1),
limits = log10(c(0.09,2.5))) +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
ylab("") +
xlab("Odds ratio"))
- How can I make the labels at yaxis be the same order as the string characters are in the vector boxLabels
- Some of CI didn't show up, some of them is not in the right site (away from the yellow dot), how can let them display correctly?
Thank you!