Object not found when Rendering a Quarto and Rmarkdown documents

[96] #| eval: true
[97] Daily3GCellUnavaiTime19Aug2024 <- Daily3GCellUnavaiTime19Aug2024 |>
[98] rename(NodebName = "NodeB Name", CellName = "Cell Name", 
[99]     CellUnavailTimeSys.sec = "VS.Cell.UnavailTime.Sys(s)") |>
[100]  head()

Rendered Document Output:

==> quarto preview TmRanKQIs.qmd --to html --no-watch-inputs --no-browse

processing file: TmRanKQIs.qmd
|....................... | 70% [unnamed-chunk-8] Error:
! object 'Daily3GCellUnavaiTime19Aug2024' not found

  1. dplyr::rename(...)

Quitting from lines 96-100 [unnamed-chunk-8] (TmRanKQIs.qmd)

Execution halted


  • The individual chunk runs and gives the correct output. However the whole script fails when Rendering the document.

When you knit a .qmd document your code gets executed in a separate "clean" environment different than the one you are currently working on and the dataset "Daily3GCellUnavaiTime19Aug2024" doesn't exist there. You must explicitly include the necessary code to read the dataset in your .qmd file.

For example, if the dataset comes from a csv file you would need to include code like this

Daily3GCellUnavaiTime19Aug2024 <- reas.csv("path_to_your_file.csv")
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