[96] #| eval: true
[97] Daily3GCellUnavaiTime19Aug2024 <- Daily3GCellUnavaiTime19Aug2024 |>
[98] rename(NodebName = "NodeB Name", CellName = "Cell Name",
[99] CellUnavailTimeSys.sec = "VS.Cell.UnavailTime.Sys(s)") |>
[100] head()
Rendered Document Output:
==> quarto preview TmRanKQIs.qmd --to html --no-watch-inputs --no-browse
processing file: TmRanKQIs.qmd
|....................... | 70% [unnamed-chunk-8] Error:
! object 'Daily3GCellUnavaiTime19Aug2024' not found
- dplyr::rename(...)
Quitting from lines 96-100 [unnamed-chunk-8] (TmRanKQIs.qmd)
Execution halted
- The individual chunk runs and gives the correct output. However the whole script fails when Rendering the document.