NZ Commuter View - Shiny Contest Submission

NZ Commuter View


Authors: Ethan Li, Kristy Su

Abstract: NZ Commuter View is a user-friendly interactive mapping tool showing comprehensive information based on NZ 2018 Census data. It visualizes how New Zealanders commute to work and to study in a geospatial map respectively, also alongside supportive information including commute types (e.g. public transport, private vehicles, and walk) and demographic characteristics of commuters (e.g. occupation).

Full Description: The app employs a multi-level zoomable heatmap and flow visualization to present how New Zealanders commute to work/study intuitively at different geospatial levels (i.e. National, City, Region).

At national view, users can easily find the commute characteristics (e.g. private transport vs. public transport) for each Territorial Authority - (TA, equivalent to city).

By clicking the TA polygon, the app will zoom into Statistical Area 2 level (SA2, equivalent to suburb) for the selected TA. Users can easily find the spatial distributions for where people live and work/study.

By clicking the SA2 polygon, the app will further zoom into the selected SA2, and visualize the commute flow with road network data,

Furthermore, the app also provides a set of supportive information (e.g. commute types, demographic characteristics of commuters) along side with the map to allow the users to explore the commuting behaviour from various perspectives.

Keywords: spatial, network, map, census
Shiny app:
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


Full image:


Interesting app, thanks for sharing :grinning:

Nice work, very structured design!

Great use of census data.

Very cool app, well done.

Thanks Sophie for the support!