Hi Posit Community,
I am doing numerical methods and I am struggling to produce the PNG file that is enclosed:
Below is my code using reprex()
, in which I try to replicate this, but obtained a completely different graph:
# Required libraries
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(ggplot2, tidyverse, hrbrthemes, gridExtra, cubature, formattable, rootSolve, readr, pracma, here, fs, truncdist, xtable, reshape2, writexl)
# Define the necessary functions
compute_R_gamma <- function(f, gamma, r, alpha, beta) {
# Handle boundary conditions
if (f == 0 || gamma == 0) {
if (f == 1 && gamma == 1) {
# Compute the variance of p
var_p <- (alpha * beta) / ((alpha + beta)^2 * (alpha + beta + 1))
# Function to calculate the variance of the minimum of p and f
var_tilde_p <- function(f, alpha, beta) {
# Define the PDF of the Beta distribution
beta_pdf <- function(p) dbeta(p, alpha, beta)
# Define the CDF of the Beta distribution
beta_cdf <- function(p) pbeta(p, alpha, beta)
# First moment of tilde_p (E[tilde_p])
first_moment <- integrate(function(p) {
p * beta_pdf(p)
}, lower = 0, upper = f)$value + f * (1 - beta_cdf(f))
# Second moment of tilde_p (E[tilde_p^2])
second_moment <- integrate(function(p) {
p^2 * beta_pdf(p)
}, lower = 0, upper = f)$value + f^2 * (1 - beta_cdf(f))
# Variance of tilde_p
second_moment - first_moment^2
# Compute the variance of tilde_p
var_tilde_p_value <- var_tilde_p(f, alpha, beta)
# Compute R_gamma(f, gamma)
R_gamma_value <- r * gamma^2 * (var_tilde_p_value / var_p)
contract_market_profit <- function(f, gamma, c, r, alpha, beta) {
term1 <- f * (1 - gamma * pbeta(f, alpha, beta))
term2 <- gamma * integrate(function(p) p * dbeta(p, alpha, beta), lower = 0, upper = f)$value
term3 <- compute_R_gamma(f, gamma, r, alpha, beta)
return(term1 + term2 - term3 - c)
spot_market_profit <- function(c, mean_p, r) {
return(mean_p - r - c)
# Function to find f_underline by solving the equality of profits
find_f_underline <- function(c, gamma, r, alpha, beta, mean_p) {
# Define the function representing the difference in profits
profit_difference <- function(f) {
contract_market_profit(f, gamma, c, r, alpha, beta) - spot_market_profit(c, mean_p, r)
# Use uniroot to find the root of the profit difference function
result <- tryCatch(
uniroot(profit_difference, lower = mean_p - r, upper = mean_p)$root,
error = function(e) NA
# Ensure the found f_underline is greater than or equal to E(p) - r
if (!is.na(result) && result >= (mean_p - r)) {
} else {
# Calculate the break-even investment cost c_break_even for a given gamma
find_c_break_even <- function(gamma, r, alpha, beta, mean_p) {
function(c) contract_market_profit(mean_p, gamma, c, r, alpha, beta),
lower = 0, upper = 1 # Search interval for c, this could be adjusted depending on context
error = function(e) NA
# Calculate the highest investment cost c_bar(gamma) for which entry might be profitable
find_c_bar <- function(gamma, r, alpha, beta, mean_p) {
# The highest investment cost such that the seller breaks even at f = E(p)
find_c_break_even(gamma, r, alpha, beta, mean_p)
# Categorize entrants based on their costs
categorize_entry <- function(c, gamma, r, alpha, beta, mean_p) {
# Calculate key thresholds
f_lower_bound <- mean_p - r # E(p) - r
c_bar <- find_c_bar(gamma, r, alpha, beta, mean_p)
# Check conditions for categorization
if (c > c_bar || is.na(c_bar)) {
return("No Entry (c > c_bar)")
} else if (c <= f_lower_bound) {
return("Low-Cost Entrant (c <= E(p) - r)")
} else {
return("Higher-Cost Entrant (c > E(p) - r)")
# Initialize parameters
c_values <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.05) # Example c values
gamma_values <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.1) # Example gamma values
alpha <- 4 # Alpha parameter of Beta distribution
beta <- 2 # Beta parameter of Beta distribution
r <- 0.4 # Risk premium
mean_p <- 0.6 # E(p)
# Generate results for all combinations of gamma and c
entry_results <- data.frame()
for (gamma in gamma_values) {
c_bar <- find_c_bar(gamma, r, alpha, beta, mean_p) # Compute c_bar
if (!is.na(c_bar)) {
for (c in c_values) {
# Compute specific f(gamma) using find_f_underline
f_specific <- find_f_underline(c, gamma, r, alpha, beta, mean_p)
# Compute E(p) - r (lower bound for low-cost entrants)
lower_f_gamma <- mean_p - r
# Compute profits in both markets
profit_spot <- spot_market_profit(c, mean_p, r)
profit_contract <- if (!is.na(f_specific)) {
contract_market_profit(f_specific, gamma, c, r, alpha, beta)
} else {
# Entrant Type Logic (with explicit NA checks)
if (c > c_bar) {
entrant_type <- "No Entry (c > c_bar)"
} else if (c <= lower_f_gamma && !is.na(f_specific) && f_specific > c) {
entrant_type <- "Low-Cost Entrant (c <= E(p) - r)"
} else if (!is.na(profit_contract) && profit_contract >= c) {
entrant_type <- "Higher-Cost Entrant (c > E(p) - r)"
} else if (lower_f_gamma < c) {
entrant_type <- "f(gamma) < c"
} else {
entrant_type <- "Undefined"
# Store results in entry_results
entry_results <- rbind(
gamma = gamma,
c = c,
c_bar = c_bar,
f_specific = f_specific,
lower_f_gamma = lower_f_gamma,
profit_spot = profit_spot,
profit_contract = profit_contract,
profit_difference = profit_contract - profit_spot,
c_bar_normalized = pmin(c / c_bar, 1),
entrant_type = entrant_type
# Plot the results
ggplot(entry_results, aes(x = c_bar_normalized, y = f_specific, color = factor(gamma))) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 0.7) +
title = "Cumulative Supply G(c) vs Contract Prices f(gamma)",
x = "Cumulative Supply G(c)",
y = "Contract Price f(gamma)",
color = "Gamma (Proportion of Opportunistic Buyers)"
) +
theme_minimal() +
scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2")
# Print the results
and the graph obtained does not look at all at the one shown above.
Any ideas how I can obtain more or less the first figure shown above, please? Thank you so much.