November: "Top 40" New CRAN Packages

Two hundred ninety-two new packages made it to CRAN in November. Picking forty was unusually difficult. Nevertheless, here are my “Top 40” selections in twelve categories: Archaeology, Computational Methods, Data, Epidemiology, Games, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Medicine, Statistics, Time Series, Utilities, and Visualization. R developers continue to extend the reach of R. November featured a new package on Archaeology, one of only seventeen I could find on CRAN pkgsearch::pkg_search(query="Archaeology ",size=200), as well as a package that wraps Python’s chess package.

Looking back over the last twelve months my impression is that R continues to grow in the life sciences. Packages that I have classified as belonging to the categories Epidemiology, Genomics, or Medicine have comprised between ten and fourteen percent of the packages I have reviewed each month.


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