Hi, I am new to r and I want to plot 2 variables (classification and total energy) against each other using ggplot, whereby a only want to use 2 out of 3 classes from the variable classification, eg LB/L and LP/P.
I did plot my results using the below script, but than I dont get all my results.
data %>%
filter(classification == c("LB/B", "LP/P"))%>%
ggplot(aes(classification, total energy))+
I set the limits for y but this only increased the range without including more datapoints. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Now I only want to plot these 2 classes if a condition is met. There is another column containing called 'source' by which the class was established, eg VKGL or ClinVar. I only want to use LB/B and LP/P classes from VKGL. How could I integrate/add such a condition to the above script?