Nitrogen Decision Support Tool for Corn Management - Shiny Contest Submission

Nitrogen Decision Support Tool for Corn Management

Authors: Elissa Chasen

Abstract: Users begin using the app by clicking on the map to zoom into a location. When a location is selected, properties of the location popup on the map and several charts appear below that show the response of corn yield, nitrogen leaching and nitrate concentration in response to varying nitrogen fertilizer application rates. Users can select different cropping systems within a location, and can also compare up to two cropping locations at once. In addition to viewing the charts which give a range of responses, the tables in the side bar allow the user to see specific outputs at particular fertilizer rates.

Full Description: This shiny app uses data that has been simulated by Agro-Ibis, which is a process-based agroecological model working over the contiguous US at 1 km and 25 km resolutions at a 15 minute time interval. The data shown in the app reflect the average output over a 30 year time period from 1978-2007. Detailed methods of the Agro-Ibis simulations and curve-fitting are displayed when the user opens the collapsible panel: Methods. The app is intended to help policy makers weigh benefits and consequences of fertilizer regulations within an economic and ecological context. For example: given a particular location and agricultural management system, can producers maximize their corn yield while maintaining nitrate concentrations in the ground water below the EPA safety standard for drinking water?

Shiny app: <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-9" align="center"> <h2>Nitrogen Decision Support Tool for Corn Management</h2> <h4>Assess the impact of land use and N fertilizer applications on nitrogen losses to groundwater</h4> </div> <div class="col-sm-3" align="center"> <img src="uw-crest.png" height="80"/> </div> </div>
Repo: GitHub - AgroVisionProject/miniApplet


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Cool app! Shoutout to UW! I live in Madison. :slight_smile:

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