Nice Error Messages for Plumber API

Dear community,
I have a problem in getting nice error messages displayed when:

  1. User does not provide all parameters
  2. User does not provide default defined parameters

I'm using docker + nginx + plumber to run the plumber API and I bring you below the code I'm using.


#* @apiTitle Plumber Example API

#* Echo back the input
#* @param msg1 The message to echo
#* @param msg2 The message to echo
#* @get /echo
function(res, req, msg1, msg2){



  data_check<-c("msg1", "msg2") %in% colnames(checkargs)

  has_false <- any(!data_check)

  if (has_false==TRUE) {

    missing_msgs <- c("msg1", "msg2")[!data_check]
    res$body<-paste("The following parameter are missing:", paste(missing_msgs, collapse = ", "), "\n")

  } else {


  maps_to_check<-c("ciao", "ciao1")

  if (msg1 %in% maps_to_check) {

  } else {

    res$body<-"You have setted wrong parameters"


  list(msg = paste0("The message is: '", msg1, "'"))


When I am running locally the API and use the postman to test it i have this
# Status code 400
# message =The following parameter are missing: msg2
# Status code 200
# {
#    "msg": [
#       "The message is: 'ciao'"
#   ]
# Status code 400
# The following parameter are missingo: msg1 

When I run this code in the online service I get the following responses.

# Status code 500
# message =internal server error
# Status code 200
# {
#    "msg": [
#       "The message is: 'ciao'"
#   ]
# Status code 500
# message =internal server error

How can i surpass the problem? i would like to set all the messages

Check out Set debug value to include error messages of routes cause an error — pr_set_debug • plumber .

I'd recommend adding these lines to your plumber.R code to display full error messages at all times (rather than just when interactive() is TRUE):

#* @plumber
function(pr) {
  pr %>%

Thanks @barret to help me, i really appreciated all the work that you have done.

I will test it and i will let you know if your suggestion solved the problem.

For now thanks

I have add the lines that you have suggested and now it's working.

The following parameter are missing: msg2 

I have also added this functionality in other endpoints where however I declare that I use a different serializer than the default (json) like htmlwidget, geojson, octet, shapefile and I have the following error output.

    "error": "500 - Internal server error",
    "message": "Error in get(name, envir = env, inherits = FALSE): Identified global objects via static code inspection ({; check_can_use <- req$module_activation$SatelliteImages ==; TRUE; if (check_can_use == TRUE) {; data <- data.frame(req$args); ciao <- c(\"vegetationindex\", \"initialmap\", \"filterTime\",; ...; return(res); }; }). argument \"vegetationindex\" is missing, with no default\n"

If you can't get this I thought maybe I could implement a tool that sends an email to whoever is using it reported the error in the email

Dear @barret do you know how to set specific error messages also when we are using a serializer different than json?

I tried to do it but I can't

You can change the error handler to whatever and modify whatever.

httpStatus <- function(code) {
  descriptions <- list(
    "100" = "Continue",
    "101" = "Switching Protocols",
    "200" = "OK",
    "201" = "Created",
    "202" = "Accepted",
    "203" = "Non-Authoritative Information",
    "204" = "No Content",
    "205" = "Reset Content",
    "206" = "Partial Content",
    "300" = "Multiple Choices",
    "301" = "Moved Permanently",
    "302" = "Found",
    "303" = "See Other",
    "304" = "Not Modified",
    "305" = "Use Proxy",
    "307" = "Temporary Redirect",
    "400" = "Bad Request",
    "401" = "Unauthorized",
    "402" = "Payment Required",
    "403" = "Forbidden",
    "404" = "Not Found",
    "405" = "Method Not Allowed",
    "406" = "Not Acceptable",
    "407" = "Proxy Authentication Required",
    "408" = "Request Timeout",
    "409" = "Conflict",
    "410" = "Gone",
    "411" = "Length Required",
    "412" = "Precondition Failed",
    "413" = "Request Entity Too Large",
    "414" = "Request-URI Too Long",
    "415" = "Unsupported Media Type",
    "416" = "Requested Range Not Satisifable",
    "417" = "Expectation Failed",
    "500" = "Internal Server Error",
    "501" = "Not Implemented",
    "502" = "Bad Gateway",
    "503" = "Service Unavailable",
    "504" = "Gateway Timeout",
    "505" = "HTTP Version Not Supported"
  description <- descriptions[[as.character(code)]]
  if (is.null(description)) {
    description <- "Dunno"
  paste(code, description, sep = " - ")

errorHandler <- function(req, res, err) {
  errmsg <- as.character(err)
  li <- list()
  res[["serializer"]] <- serializer_unboxed_json()
  if (res[["status"]] == 200L) {
    res[["status"]] <- 500L
    li[["error"]] <- httpStatus(500L)
    if (!is.null(status <- attr(err[["message"]], "status"))) {
      res[["status"]] <- status
      li[["error"]] <- httpStatus(status)
  } else {
    li[["error"]] <- httpStatus(500L)
  if (is.function(req[["pr"]][["getDebug"]]) && isTRUE(req[["pr"]][["getDebug"]]())) {
    li["message"] <- errmsg

#* @plumber
function(pr) {
  pr %>%

Thanks @meztez to provide me your suggestions, but actually i have find a issue with plumber + future + error message, i can open a github issue if you both prefer.

But I'll quote it below anyway the run_plumer.R and plumber.R



httpStatus <- function(code) {
  descriptions <- list(
    "100" = "Continue",
    "101" = "Switching Protocols",
    "200" = "OK",
    "201" = "Created",
    "202" = "Accepted",
    "203" = "Non-Authoritative Information",
    "204" = "No Content",
    "205" = "Reset Content",
    "206" = "Partial Content",
    "300" = "Multiple Choices",
    "301" = "Moved Permanently",
    "302" = "Found",
    "303" = "See Other",
    "304" = "Not Modified",
    "305" = "Use Proxy",
    "307" = "Temporary Redirect",
    "400" = "Bad Request",
    "401" = "Unauthorized",
    "402" = "Payment Required",
    "403" = "Forbidden",
    "404" = "Not Found",
    "405" = "Method Not Allowed",
    "406" = "Not Acceptable",
    "407" = "Proxy Authentication Required",
    "408" = "Request Timeout",
    "409" = "Conflict",
    "410" = "Gone",
    "411" = "Length Required",
    "412" = "Precondition Failed",
    "413" = "Request Entity Too Large",
    "414" = "Request-URI Too Long",
    "415" = "Unsupported Media Type",
    "416" = "Requested Range Not Satisifable",
    "417" = "Expectation Failed",
    "500" = "Internal Server Error",
    "501" = "Not Implemented",
    "502" = "Bad Gateway",
    "503" = "Service Unavailable",
    "504" = "Gateway Timeout",
    "505" = "HTTP Version Not Supported"
  description <- descriptions[[as.character(code)]]
  if (is.null(description)) {
    description <- "Dunno"
  paste(code, description, sep = " - ")

errorHandler <- function(req, res, err) {
  errmsg <- as.character(err)
  li <- list()
  res[["serializer"]] <- serializer_unboxed_json()
  if (res[["status"]] == 200L) {
    res[["status"]] <- 500L
    li[["error"]] <- httpStatus(500L)
    if (!is.null(status <- attr(err[["message"]], "status"))) {
      res[["status"]] <- status
      li[["error"]] <- httpStatus(status)
  } else {
    li[["error"]] <- httpStatus(500L)
  if (is.function(req[["pr"]][["getDebug"]]) && isTRUE(req[["pr"]][["getDebug"]]())) {
    li["message"] <- errmsg

#* @apiTitle API Error Handler
#* @apiTOS
#* @apiVersion 1.0.1

options("plumber.port" = 3000)

#* @plumber
function(pr) {
  pr %>%
    pr_set_error(errorHandler) %>%
    plumber::pr_set_docs("swagger") %>%
    pr_mount("/try", plumb("./plumber.R"))


#* @tag TryErrorHandling
#* This endpoint allow to automatically get a leaflet Html widget where inside it is rendered the colored Vegetation Index and its legend.
#* @param apikey:string The apikey
#* @param basemap:string Could be set as all or one
#* @post /TryErrorHandling
#* @serializer htmlwidget
function(res, req, apikey, basemap) {


    # check if the api key is correct


    if (checkapi==TRUE) {

      # the api key is correct

      # check if all the API parameter are provided in the request


      check<-c("apikey", "basemap") %in% colnames(Check_request)

      has_false <- any(!check)

      if (has_false==TRUE) {

        missing_msgs <- c("apikey", "basemap")[!check]
        res$body<-paste("The following API parameters were not provided:", paste(missing_msgs, collapse = ", "), "\n")

      } else {


      # check if the basemap API parameter is set all or one

      basemap_to_check<-c("all", "one")

      if (basemap %in% basemap_to_check) {

      } else {
        res$body<-"You have setted a wrong vegetation index. Must be one of ndvi, evi2, msavi2, ipvi, msr, osavi, savi, tdvi, gari, arvi, evi, gci, gndvi, gosavi, grvi, nnir, gsavi, vdvi, wdrvi"

      # define the type of the map

      if (basemap=="all") {
                                 legend = TRUE,
      } else {
                                 legend = TRUE,


    } else {

      # the api key is not correct

      res$status <- 400
      res$body <- message = "Your account does not have permission to use this endpoint"



The problem is that when i am using this url that miss the basemap parameter, i am getting the follow error output in postman

    "error": "500 - Internal server error",
    "message": "Error in get(name, envir = env, inherits = FALSE): Identified global objects via static code inspection ({; checkapi <- apikey == \"123456\"; if (checkapi == TRUE) {; Check_request <- data.frame(req$args); check <- c(\"apikey\", \"basemap\") %in% colnames(Check_request); has_false <- any(!check); ...; return(res); }; }). argument \"basemap\" is missing, with no default\n"

while when I comment the future function (the code below) I have the following output in postman with the same url of request.

The following API parameters were not provided: basemap 
#* @tag TryErrorHandling
#* This endpoint allow to automatically get a leaflet Html widget where inside it is rendered the colored Vegetation Index and its legend.
#* @param apikey:string The apikey
#* @param basemap:string Could be set as all or one
#* @post /TryErrorHandling
#* @serializer htmlwidget
function(res, req, apikey, basemap) {


    # check if the api key is correct


    if (checkapi==TRUE) {

      # the api key is correct

      # check if all the API parameter are provided in the request


      check<-c("apikey", "basemap") %in% colnames(Check_request)

      has_false <- any(!check)

      if (has_false==TRUE) {

        missing_msgs <- c("apikey", "basemap")[!check]
        res$body<-paste("The following API parameters were not provided:", paste(missing_msgs, collapse = ", "), "\n")

      } else {


      # check if the basemap API parameter is set all or one

      basemap_to_check<-c("all", "one")

      if (basemap %in% basemap_to_check) {

      } else {
        res$body<-"You have setted a wrong vegetation index. Must be one of ndvi, evi2, msavi2, ipvi, msr, osavi, savi, tdvi, gari, arvi, evi, gci, gndvi, gosavi, grvi, nnir, gsavi, vdvi, wdrvi"

      # define the type of the map

      if (basemap=="all") {
                                 legend = TRUE,
      } else {
                                 legend = TRUE,


    } else {

      # the api key is not correct

      res$status <- 400
      res$body <- message = "Your account does not have permission to use this endpoint"



Is this a issue/bug or am i doing something wrong?

Put your api check and parameters check outside the future section? It should not take that long to validate.

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