I want to solve the following equation for θ by using Newton Raphson method in Rstudio
can someone help me for that.
I want to solve the following equation for θ by using Newton Raphson method in Rstudio
can someone help me for that.
Newton Raphson is a numerical method for solving real valued functions.
I'm not seeing a real valued function here.
Here is a Newton-Raphson example. It is not generalized: you need to choose the plot limits and initial value, and you need to calculate the derivative.
x<- seq(from=-5, to=5, .001)
y <- x^3 - x - 1
x <- vector()
f <- vector()
x_new <- 1.5
for (n in 1:10){
x[n] <- x_new
f[n] <- (x[n])^3 - x[n] - 1
fprime <- 3 * (x[n])^2 - 1
x_new <- x[n] - f[n]/fprime
if ( (abs(x[n] - x_new)/x[n]) < .00005 ){break}
df <- data.frame(cbind(x,f))
paste0("Solution is ", round(x[n],6))
Thank you for your help.
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