New to Marketing

I wanted to get your input about the best way to analyze the results of an a/b test. I also want to validate the quality of the test. I know it's an open question but I'm looking diverse thoughts to help me get started in my new position.



Welcome to the RStudio community!

This forum is mostly geared towards helping folk with coding challenges related to R and RStudio. Although of course you're welcome to ask any general questions regarding data analysis, you should at least first do some research to see what's already our there.

The first Google result I get when typing in your question is this:

It's literally a tutorial in how to do A/B analysis in R.

I suggest you read that (and other resources) first, and should you get stuck with the coding, feel free to post here again.

Hope this helps,

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Thanks for the info!

Hey there! When I began, I found that analyzing A/B test results was crucial. My tip is to use a reliable statistical tool to ensure data accuracy. Also, consider metrics like conversion rates and confidence intervals to validate your test. And, remember to use a reliable foundation backlink service. That helps to promote any site. Best of luck in your new role!

Thanks for the helpful info, folks.

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