I need to perform a network meta-regression on the attached dataset (metareg).
Four interventions are assessed: cot, hfno, cpap, niv.
id: study id
author: study author
prophylactic: first mediator variable (factor)
surgery: second mediator variable (factor)
risk: third mediator variable (factor)
setting: fourth mediator variable (factor)
intervention_1: first intervention tested (either cot, hfno, cpap, niv)
intervention_2: second intervention tested (either cot, hfno, cpap, niv)
n_tot: total number of patients in the study
n_1 : number of patients receiving the first intervention
n_2: number of patients receiving the second intervention
reeeti_1: number of patients developing the outcome with the first intervention
reeeti_2: number of patients developing the outcome with the second intervention
md_logor: mean difference or log odds ratio
se: standard error
DATASET (just reported the first 6 studies, but the dataset includes 33 studies)
id author prophylactic surgery risk setting intervention_1 intervention_2 n_tot n_1 n_2 reeeti_1 reeeti_2 md_logor se
1 Abrard 1 1 2 1 cot niv 253 128 125 8 9 -0.152 0.503
2 Antonelli 2 3 2 1 cot niv 40 20 20 14 4 2.23 0.742
3 Auriant 2 1 2 1 cot niv 48 24 24 12 5 1.34 0.648
4 Bohner 1 2 1 1 cot cpap 204 105 99 5 1 1.59 1.10
5 Burra 1 1 1 1 cot hfno 60 30 30 0 0 0 1.44
6 Corley 1 1 2 1 cot hfno 155 74 81 1 0 1.20 1.64
I would need to perform meta-regressions based on the above-mentioned mediator variables (prophylactic, surgery, risk, setting).
Please please please, help me!
Thank you very much!